Hall of Fame Committee Members
​Committee Members
Phil Harris (chair)
After learning about rugby online, Phil Harris bought his first rugby ball and started a team at his rural North Carolina high school. A political science major, he went on to play for Charlotte Rugby Club and Catawba College before transferring to the University of South Carolina.
He played for Carolina Rugby during the 2006 season and graduated in 2008. Even with his playing days behind him, Phil remains a dedicated fan and “rugby evangelist.” He hosts two rugby shows: The Jack's Rangers Show that covers content related to the New England Free Jacks of Major League Rugby, and The Ruckin' Roosters Show which covers content related to Carolina Rugby.
William Wynn
William is the son of Jim Wynn, USC Rugby Alumna and Hall of Fame Member. William follows Gamecock Rugby as much as possible and likewise followed his father into pharmacy as a career. William is a board-certified medical affairs specialist pharmacist who graduated from MUSC (B.S. 1997) and USC (Pharm.D. 1999), currently living in Blythewood, South Carolina.
William is currently the Head, US Field Medical Affairs East for Indivior. Before Indivior, William was the Director of Pharmacy for South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Healthy Connections Medicaid.
Deklan Reid
A native of Atlanta, Deklan Reid joined the USC rugby team as a new player in the fall of 2016 because he wanted to make friends and play a contact sport. He was a versatile athlete, played every position except hooker, and delighted in teaching rookie players rugby basics.
After graduating from USC in 2019, Deklan played briefly for the men’s teams in Palm Beach, Florida and Atlanta before injuries ended his playing career. Deklan, a supply chain consultant, lives in Atlanta with his girlfriend, a USC alum whom he met through rugby teammates.
Rick LeBel
Rick LeBel picked up his first rugby ball at USC in 1970 where he played with many founding members of the program. The Gamecocks dominated competition in the early 70s and went undefeated at home for four years. LeBel played for men’s teams in Augusta, Chicago, and Atlanta during a long and distinguished playing career post USC.
LeBel has served as a senior representative advisor to the Atlanta Old White Rugby Board and is a recipient of the club’s lifetime achievement award. He helped to promote and organize USC’s first alumni game in 1988 and served on the first Carolina Rugby Foundation Board.
An investor and financial planner, LeBel and his wife, Beth, live in Atlanta and have two grown children.
Philip Rockefeller
Philip Rockefeller joined the Gamecocks in 1985 and started four years as a prop. He served as team captain of the Palmetto select-side and was a member of the All-South team in 1986 and 1987.
After graduating from USC in 1989, Philip played for men’s clubs in Columbia, Charlotte, Cincinnati, and Antonio. He also played briefly for clubs in Wales.
A former member of the Carolina Rugby Foundation Board, Rockefeller lives in Santee, South Carolina with his wife, Jennifer, and works for the Information Technology Department at the College of Charleston. The couple have three grown sons, all of whom played rugby.
Alex Feltman
A native of Cincinnati, Alex “Bubbles” Feltman played all four years at Carolina and served as a club officer. Graduating in 2017, Feltman serves as a commissioned officer with the U.S. Coast Guard and has played for rugby clubs in Norfolk, Jacksonville, Golden Isles, and Washington, D.C.
Feltman has also played for the United States Coast Guard Select 7s and the Combined Sea Services 15s squads. He and his wife Zoie (a USC alum whom he met at a rugby party) live in Alexandria, Virginia.
Dana Corcoran
Dana Corcoran first learned about rugby late in high school when a local player from the Charleston Outlaws was sharing the sport at a school lunch to anyone interested. Together with a couple handful of rag tag trailblazers they formed Wando High School's first rugby team and a lifetime addiction was formed. Drawn to the unique culture that a rugby team provides, he decided to take it up further by playing with the Charleston Outlaws before going to college at USC. He played throughout his time in college and with Mystic River in Boston, MA after graduation.
Dana is now in Winston Salem, NC with his wife Jennifer, their baby boy Clark, and Boston Terrier Alfred. He works as a Financial Advisor with Merrill Lynch after spending the last five years as an associate between Captrust Financial and JP Morgan.